Did you know.... The StomaShield is the ONLY Stoma Guard to offer all of the following all in one product: Only stoma guard you can sit down with and have your ostomy bag still drain properly Only stoma guard with REMOVABLE and ADJUSTABLE padding...

Did you know.... The StomaShield is the ONLY Stoma Guard to offer all of the following all in one product: Only stoma guard you can sit down with and have your ostomy bag still drain properly Only stoma guard with REMOVABLE and ADJUSTABLE padding...
After 8 years of successfully living with an ileostomy, I started to run into an issue. The past few months I had been dealing with repeated blockages behind my stoma. It was painful and debilitating. Already a tall and skinny...
The stoma guard made by StomaGear is extremely useful for anyone living with an ostomy. We have 1000's of customers around the world who believe the StomaShield stoma guard is indispensable to them for living with an ostomy. See their Testimonials here....
One of the biggest requests we hear at StomaGear is asking if we have a wider belt. I've actually been on the hunt since late 2015 to solve this very issue. After tons of research and testing existing materials, I...