About us

I had always been a healthy and athletic throughout my youth. Then all of the sudden in 1998, I was hit with Ulcerative Colitis (UC). Really bad. I was in the best shape of my life up until then, a Junior in college, running 10 miles a week, and playing on a golf scholarship with a top ranked collegiate team. Needless to say, the college sports were over for me after the diagnosis. Fast forward 10 years later, with no cure and no improvements, I had my regular colonoscopy checkup. That year, the Doctor said I needed to have my WHOLE colon removed due to an early indicator of cancer (dysplasia). Let's face it, my UC wasn't getting better. In April 2009 I had my entire colon removed and was left with a stoma and an ileostomy bag. After the surgery, I immediately felt better not having UC anymore. However, as soon as I tried to put on my jeans, or tried to sit in a car with a seat belt, I knew it wasn't going to work without some stoma protection. I tried a couple products available in the market at the time, but they were either too big, not comfortable, had design issues, etc. Being the problem solver that I am, I designed and built my own simple, yet very effective stoma shield to protect my ileostomy stoma. After years of development (prototypes since 2010, business formed 2013), trial and error with many different materials, designs and manufacturing, testing in all types of environments, and feedback from so many wonderful ileostomy, colostomy and urostomy customers... I am proud to present the latest version of the StomaShield, made by StomaGear!
Brian Hakel
President/CEO of StomaGear, Inc.
StomaGear Inc. is the manufacturer of the StomaShield. All StomaShields are manufactured (shield component), assembled, and shipped from a FDA approved facility in Texas. Proud to be made in the USA!